Testimonials from Women I’ve worked with

Annabel ~ Student on Big-Hearted Boundaries ~ June 2022

"Confusing self-love and care with selfishness has been something I struggle with. The course has given me time to really consider how I deal with boundaries, particularly relating to how much energy I use in relationship with others, and to consider bigger transitions in life, notably what I want to do rather than what I need to do. Regularly checking in with myself didn't come easily, but has been very useful. I'm now more self-aware and am recognising the things which bring me energy and those which are more draining to my soul. I am much more discerning of how I use my time and recognise the kinds of ways people rely on me. I've realised that giving myself the time to genuinely relax and do the things I love is crucial."

Nathalie ~ Student on Big-Hearted Boundaries ~ July 2022

“Thank you for this amazing six week course that will stay with me for life. Before the course, I found setting boundaries confrontational and a little frightening. Now, boundaries feel like a gift of kindness, for myself and for others - they still feel a little daunting but also rather exciting. I am finding it easier to say Yes and No. I am clearer on what is important to me. I am giving myself permission to live the life I need to live for my own wellbeing, without needing to justify it to anyone. I'm accepting, to some degree, my current limitations and leaning into them rather than playing tug of war with them. I am choosing me with less guilt. I am braver when communicating my needs, which means my relationships are now taking less energy. I now know that boundaries are essential to my wellbeing and they are something I want to welcome into my life, rather than try to avoid.”

Ulrike ~ Member of Your Right To Be Book Club ~ December 2020

“Dear Erika, Words will never be able to do justice to the transformative encounter these last 6 weeks with you and the ladies in the book club has been. I felt so held, safe and heard. This book, paired with your facilitation and creation of such an immensely nourishing container was one of the highlights of my year! I have made bigger strides towards unraveling and questioning years of conditioning with this book club than I have in years of therapy! I am not exaggerating when I say that this experience has been one of the most pivotal milestones in my recovery! It has allowed me to show up, to take up space and to let myself be seen and witnessed! What I have learnt and experienced in this safe and loving environment, I am now able to confidently apply and take in to my surroundings. There’s no more strenuous trying to appeal to others or prove my worthiness, but rather a gentle BEing that radiates from me. I feel empowered and brave enough to step into life and have come to a stage where I have evolved from mere surviving to, dare I say, thriving!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this amazing time and just want to shout from the roof tops that this is a gift that every woman deserves to give herself! So much love and gratitude for you and all the other siSTARS!”

Kate ~ Student on Embodied Boundaries ~ November 2021

"Thank you Erika! I have become aware of what is not 'mine' to feel responsible for. I have identified patterns in myself and become aware of sensations that come up when setting boundaries. Practicing the poses has been helpful in feeling more power and confidence. I appreciated hearing why it's hard to set boundaries, was able to identify patterns in myself and found the poses very empowering."

Sarah Ryan - Coaching Client

“Erika is warm, empathic and deceptively nice – by which I mean she can really kick your ass and hold you to account if necessary! Her approach is rooted in genuine care and she has helped me stay true to what I care about most deeply in life. She helped me come up with practical things I can do to help break one of my most deeply rooted bad habits and the things we worked out in one session are still useful to me now. I recommend her without hesitation.”

Michelle ~ Student on Rest & Receive ~ February 2023

"If you are considering the course I would say don't think about the words 'rest' and 'receive' with your mind. I know to me they conjured up slow down and become inactive, but now having done the course, I can see for me it has not been about that at all. It has given me the ability to listen to what my body needs, to love myself and know that I really do know what I need for myself. It has allowed me to soften and ground deeply, to notice what feels good and to open to receive that nourishment. So if you would like to notice where your energy is being used and what nourishes your body and soul, then this is the course for you. You might be surprised how much you need this in your life. Erika held a beautiful space where I discovered less is so much more💜"

Gemma Merryn ~ Member of ‘Embodiment Circles’ ~ September 2020

“One of best things I ever did was stumble upon the Women and Niceness Embodiment Circle, led by Erika who is wise, intelligent, funny and honest. She is inspiring women from around the world to reflect upon the hugely significant topic of ‘niceness’, coming together in such a way that is truly empowering. The experience was an education which continues to grow in my life long after the circles have finished.”

T. V. ~ Coaching Client

"Erika played a huge part in helping me stand up for myself. I had four invaluable sessions with her that really supported me in my work. By integrating embodiment and deep listening, she led me through different ways to be in my body and use my body as the scaffolding from which to build the life I envision for myself. That vision involved being able to show up as myself in different areas of my life, increasing my self regard, and setting healthy boundaries in ways I hadn’t been able to before. Looking back, that was a lot to ask out of four sessions, but with Erika's gentle encouragement and knowledge of how to align all the parts of myself, I was able to really able to create deep change in my life. Thank you, Erika! It would have been a much longer journey without you!"

Ellie ~ Member of ‘Embodiment Circles’ ~ September 2020

"This is such important work and I am so grateful to have participated in the Women and Niceness circles. Erika is an extremely talented facilitator: she embodies the work she teaches and creates a safe and fun space for exploring, learning and sharing. It has been so powerful to join together with other women to start to decondition ourselves from the roles we have played and to break free from the bondage of ‘nice’. This work is helping me to step more and more fully into my truest, most alive, powerful and unapologetic self, and for that I am deeply grateful. Thank you."

Andrea Campbell ~ Coaching Client

"Erika meets you right where you are, and nudges you forward. In our session together, she drew out specifics and practicalities about a difficulty I experienced at work. From there, she created a bespoke physical routine I could integrate into my daily life, as well as offered techniques about how to stay with it. She checked-in with me after a set time frame, which kept me accountable, and allowed me to reflect on the shift I felt in just one week. Much gratitude."

Eleanor P ~ Member of ‘Embodiment Circles’ ~ September 2020

“I have been ‘nice’ for as long as I can remember. This started very young as a survival mechanism within my family system to obtain safety and attachment. I thought if I could just become perfect and not have any needs then surely I would be loved and not rejected or abandoned.

My experience of ‘niceness’ has been like wearing a straight-jacket. Bound by its unwritten, ingrained codes, I became disconnected from myself so completely that I felt no sense of self whatsoever: I was a chameleon, a master at reading the room and shapeshifting into whatever I thought the person in front of me required.

I was frequently told how lovely I was, how calm, what a good listener, easy company, so serene. On the inside I was in complete turmoil, but my mask of niceness had become so convincing that no one knew. I couldn’t tell anyone or ask for help. It was lonely, confusing, frustrating, unfulfilling and at times completely desperate.

Erika’s work speaks to me at the deepest level. In our sessions I feel seen, accepted and championed. Erika has helped me to recognise my patterns of niceness and how they show up in my thoughts, behaviours and embodied experience. I have learned tools to connect deeply with myself and tune into what is true for me in any moment. This means that the actions I now choose to take in the world are resting on a strong foundation of self connection and are therefore aligned with my values and authentic self. I have become more decisive, I have better boundaries and I know more what I think, feel and need. This work supports me in stepping more and more fully into my truest, most alive, courageous and unapologetic self, and for that I am deeply grateful.

Erika is an exceptional facilitator who creates a space where women can explore, grow and awaken. She embodies the work that she teaches and it is very clear that this is her soul work, tenderly curated from a rich personal journey, and shared lovingly with a huge amount of passion, purpose and playfulness.

I would have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Erika. ‘Nice’ women, if you get the chance to do this work, grab it with both hands - a revolution awaits!”

Esther~ Member of ‘Embodiment Circles’ ~ September 2020

"The sessions had a good balance of theory, practice and discussions/sharing. I highly recommend. I had been strongly rejecting women-only gatherings for years, as I thought them un-inclusive and pointless. After my participation in this one, I now totally see the point and have completely changed my mind. I'm in love with women's gatherings. I'm getting so much out of them. I'm so grateful for this experience."